Friday 3 May 2013

How to Dox

How to Dox
Welcome to my tutorial on how to dox!
This tutorial was created for educational purposes, I am not responsible for how you use it.
Please give feedback because it did take a while to make this tutorial.


- The Internet
- A Brain
- Simple Social Engineering Skills
- Notepad

Setup Notepad

Start off by creating a new text document in Notepad and paste this into it:
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Postal code:
Brother: (optional)
Sister: (optional)
ISP Name:
IP Address:
Country code:
Now we are going to move onto getting their IP address.

Grabbing their IP Address

There are a few methods to grabbing their IP and I will show you all of them I know. :)
Method 1 - Skype Resolver

If you would like to use this method you will need their Skype username.
If you don't have their Skype username go to method 2 please.
Now what you want to do is go to and simply type in their Skype username where it specifically says 'Skype Username'.

It should like this:

[Image: 3lR7i.png]

After you type in the Skype username click 'Resolve' then give it a few seconds, then it should pop up saying something like this:

[Image: 5Qp9H.png]

Voila! You now have their IP address. :)

Method 2 - Manipulation

To use this method you are going to need to go to and follow the steps there.
More methods will be added soon!

Grabbing Information from their IP Address

Go to and scroll down then enter the user's IP address where it says your IP address and then you'll have all the information that can be grabbed from and IP address.

Grabbing Information from their Domain

Assuming the user has a domain name their will always be information on their 'whois' page unless they have a whoisguard or entered fake information.
To use this method is very simple.
Go to and enter their domain name in.
Now you should see a list of everything about them (first name, last name, address, phone number etc) unless they have been using a whoisguard or fake information and if that is the case there are always more of my methods. :)

Grabbing Information from their Email, Name, Username or Phone

Simply go to and enter their email, name, username or phone number their and it will try to find us much information that is on the internet about that user.
If that method is not working, you are going to need to wait a few days for my next method to come out on this thread, so just stick around. :)


It took 1 hour to make this tutorial and it only takes 5 seconds to say thanks, so please do it.
I wrote everything in this tutorial myself, no information was copied.
Thank you for reading this tutorial, please say thanks!